Sunday, 3 December 2006

What's a Blog?

So anyway i went to Exodus (a crappy scream bar in Aberdeen) last night and it really sucked. When i got in, after queueing for what felt like an hour, they were playing The Rapture so i thought it might be alright. While i was waiting to get a drink they played some LCD Soundsystem, Brakes and other punkfunk sounding pop tunes. However when i had my drinks and was ready to dance they had started playing crappy rock music that the soundsystem couldn't really handle.


They did play 'Around the world' later on but not the version by Along Came Jones with Yeah yeah yeahs 'Maps' over the top that has been floating around online.

Daft Punk and Yeah Yeah Yeahs - World Maps (Along Came Jones Edit)

This sounds kinda messy on the first listen but then starts to kind of make sense, i can't wait to play this out tonight at the bootleg/mashup night i have to play at.

I met up with the Hookers Green guys there, they have a new album coming out soon and i hope it is well received as i rate them as one of the most interesting bands in Scotland at the moment. The stuff i have heard from the new album is really good so far, especially Love Anthem which i am hopefully going to do a remix of for them. Check the video my brother made for them...

Hookers Green Number 1 - The Strode Adventure

This is from their first album 'On how the illustious captain moon won the war for us' which you should all buy a copy of here.

They are also playing at Adventure Close To Home in London on January 27th supporting Buraka Son Sistema.

Also worth checking out are Xvectors, they are a four piece band from Edinburgh on the Oscarr label. They are playing at The Mad Hatters artschool party that i am help organise on the 14th of December at The Tunnels. Here is their version of the classic chicago anthem 'Your Love' by Jamie Principle

Xvectors - Your Love

Buy it here

1 comment:

the boy whyte said...

That song is hot shit!
My whole flat is blowing up with the
sound of the daft yeah yeah yeahs...

thanks blogger chum!!